Alert, English, PublikasiTorture in the Cases of Death Penalty in Indonesia: “One Too Many” AdminICJR - 10/02/2023
English, PublikasiRecommendation on the Specific Regulations of Fair Trial Rights for People Facing Death Penalty in the Bill of Criminal Procedure Code ICJR - 16/12/2022
Alert, English, PublikasiNotes on the Law which Qualifies “Barang Bukti” as Legal Evidence AdminICJR - 14/11/2022
English, PublikasiHow the Risk of Police Coercion during Questioning is Addressed in Queensland, Australia ICJR - 21/09/2022
Alert, EnglishICJR Submitted 4 Documents to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on the Issues of Criminal Justice System Reform in Indonesia ICJR - 04/04/2022
English, PublikasiSituation Report on Death Penalty Policies in Indonesia of 2021 “Double Uncertainty: Calling for the Assurance of Commutations in the Death Penalty Cases” AdminICJR - 14/03/2022