“Therefore to established a government of the State of Indonesia which protect the whole people of Indonesia and the entire homeland of Indonesia (Paragraph 4 of Preamble of Indonesia Constitution”)
After the Jokowi’s administration failed in protecting an Indonesian citizen, Siti Zaenab, who was executed in Saudi Arabia, on Thursday 16 April 2015, this time an Indonesian citizen Karni Bt Medi Tarsim is again executed by the government of Saudi Arabia.
The death of Siti Zaenab and Karni Bt Medi Tarsim are signs of failure of President Jokowi’s administration to implement what is mandated by the Indonesia Constitution which is to protect the whole people of Indonesia. This failure completed the dark picture of Indonesia’s foreign diplomacy to protect the people of Indonesia who faced legal process in foreign countries.
Up until now, the Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty does not see a serious effort from President Jokowi’s administration to protect Indonesian citizens who are threaten by death penalty execution. The process of death penalty execution to Karni Bt Medi has gone public since Wednesday, 15 April 2015, but President Jokowi’s administration seems to stood by and does not seriously make an effort to protect Indonesian citizens who are threaten by death penalty execution.
The Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty also criticizes death penalties which are conducted by the government of Saudi Arabia to Indonesian citizens. The Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty questions whether the defendants/convicts who are prosecuted/punished for committed a violation of law in Saudi Arabia have been processed based on the principles of fair trial.
The Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty also criticizes the slow gesture of the Indonesian government to stop the process of death penalty execution to Indonesian citizens abroad. The Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty also demands the Indonesian government to immediately publish information on steps that have been conducted by Indonesian diplomats especially to protect Indonesian citizens who faced criminal process, particularly who are threaten by death penalty. Up until now, the Indonesian government also never explains whether the defendants/convicts who are prosecuted/punished abroad have been processed based on the principles of fair trial.
The Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty
Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR), the Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (Elsam), Community Legal Aid Institute (LBH Masyarakat), Imparsial, HRWG