Dokumen Hukum, PeraturanSKB 6 Kementerian/Lembaga tentang Larangan Kegiatan dan Penggunaan Simbol/Atribut Front Pembela Islam (FPI) AdminICJR - 30/12/2020
Alert, English, Rancangan KUHPThe National Alliance for Penal Code Reform and ICJR’s Recommendations to Determine the Sentencing Guidelines ICJR - 02/02/2018
Alert, English, Rancangan KUHPOn the Inclusion of the Living Law in the Bill of Penal Code, the Government Should Fulfill the Main Purpose of the New Penal Code Is to Unify the Criminal Law ICJR - 01/02/2018
Alert, English, Rancangan KUHAP, Rancangan KUHPThe Distribution and Framing of the Punishments in the Bill of Penal Code is Still Vague, Aliansi RKUHP Renounces a Hurried Adoption of the Bill ICJR - 14/01/2018